Posts tagged #walking in a silk pajama jacket



silk pajama jacket // francés austen


denim // mother


september I love you

its my birthday month! whoop whoop September 25th (mark your calendars hehe)

back to school - am I the only weirdo who loves the feeling of going back to school? Ever since I was a child its been one of my favorite times of the year. I think its because everything is fresh and new again. My mom would always get us a new pair of shoes (usually Keds) and school supplies, love fresh pencils!

apple picking - sounds cliche but apple picking has been a family tradition for as long as I can remember. We go to Wilkins Fruit and Fur Farm in Yorktown, NY.. Even those in between years (not a kid anymore and don't have kids yet) I would go. Frank and I love it! 

indian summers - Its kind of an oxymoron to like both apple picking and warm Fall temps but when I say Indian summer I mean upper 60's with sun! That is my ideal - just cool enough to wear a cardigan or light jacket and still warm enough for a maxi dress and booties. 

loose leaf tea - I drink hot tea pretty much all year round but I love when the temps start to drop a little and everyone else likes drinking it with me!

fall styling - I linked some of my favorite pieces for pre-fall here. There is not transition love more than going from summer to Fall. My favorite looks are jeans or a skirt paired back to a fresh sweater. 

september favorites

Posted on September 5, 2018 and filed under Outfits.