Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a great weekend. We took full advantage of our unplanned days and did some much needed work around the house. Its funny, I don't have a green thumb when it comes to indoor plants, but so far so good with the outdoor ones! Leaving the house today I really enjoyed walking past all the work we had done yesterday. So rewarding! Although if anyone has an pointers on grass I'll take them! We're trying to keep things as "natural" as possible because of the kids/dog but its really tough when you also want green grass!
I'm so excited to officially launch e-styling today! What is that you might ask? If you're looking for help with your closet or you have a specific event or trip you need styling help with this is for you. I will create guides like this and this one specifically tailored to your needs that you can easily shop at your leisure. This means you can still get styling help even if you don't live in CT/NY (YAY...claps hands)! I've been doing it unofficially for about two years now and thought it was time I shared:) If this Γ la carte styling sounds interesting to you, send me a note here!