Posts tagged #power washer



After spending nearly four months at home I started to think, “There are a few things I’d like to improve around here!”. In all honesty, I had a growing list in my head that started after week two and was added to weekly:) Some of the projects were smaller: reorganize the linen closet and order small baskets for extra soaps and toothpaste, clear out the garage, organize the basement, etc., but some projects were bigger! I’ve wanted to update our kitchen since we moved in but that project requires more saving, so I set out to find a project that was both cost-effective and satisfying.




The color of our front door is Galveston Gray by Benjamin Moore. I love the color! It took me a long time to find this gray - not too dark, but also not too light especially in the sun. We used a super high-gloss paint from Fine Paints of Europe which is easy to clean and still gives it a really fresh feel four years later. You can read more about the paint colors we’ve used in our house HERE.

For the shutters, instead of the high-gloss, we used an outdoor paint in semi gloss. I didn’t want them to be super shiny and also we saved on cost by going with the less expensive brand. To be honest, when they were first painted it took a little getting used to. To my perfectionist’s eye the colors looked slightly different and the shutters felt a touch too light but after one week I fell in love with it.


before & after

power washing our front walkway

I’m embarrassed to say I never thought of our front walkway as “dirty”. I’m not really sure what I thought, it was always just dark. It never occurred to me that it was originally a different color AND could be that color again! One day our neighbors were talking about power washing and I thought, “I wonder what we could power wash?”. And the rest is history…haha. Here is the power washer we used. We did not use soap on our bluestone and it was super simple to set up. Pro tip: Wear dark clothes - long pants, a long-sleeved shirt, and safety glasses. If the water meets the dirt in the wrong way (which is inevitable) you will be splattered. I was covered in mud! Ta-da!




Posted on July 8, 2020 .



t h e s u n d a y s e c t i o n

w h o

goop - What to Wear Now That You’re the “Outdoorsy” Type. Finding yourself outside a whole lot more? Here are some outfit ideas for looking good while breaking a sweat.

National Geographic - Here’s hot to stop the virus from winning. The only reason we have been able to “open” back up on the East Coast is because we all spent three months in quarantine. The masks and the distance MUST continue through the summer to prevent another major quarantine this Fall.

Architectural Digest - I call this kitchen porn. Love the mix of open shelving and cabinets. Feels like a happy median that would save my marriage LOL.

Harper’s Bazaar - Keedron Bryant - “The 12-year-old “I Just Wanna Live” singer, who recently signed with Warner Records, opens up about fighting racial injustice, getting name-checked by President Obama, and why making music gives him hope”.

Elle - Everything You Need To Know About The Newly Formed Black In Fashion Council.

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w h a t

watch - Knives Out - Frank put this on the other night (after seeing it got a 97% on rotten tomatoes) and it was really good! Murder mystery with a twist - a film you can’t stop watching until the end. Highly recommend!

landscape - we’ve been going back and forth on what to do in our back yard. At the beginning of Spring I made a case for a “French courtyard vibe” using pea stone gravel and a bistro set. Our back yard is very tiny so the thought of losing almost all the grass has had me a touch concerned and I haven’t been able to fully commit! Click here for some beautiful inspo I stumbled upon during one of my many late night google seshes.

clean - Linking this again because I’ve received so many questions recently! Here is the power washer we used. Before and after post coming soon to the blog!

dress - Found this little black Ulla Johnson dress on sale and I love it! It’s the perfect mix of sweet and chic for summer and you can wear it into Fall.

bake - I know its Summer and not really baking season anymore but I can’t help but look at my overly ripe bananas and think banana bread. Can’t remember if I’ve shared this one on my blog yet so here it is - the best banana bread, ever.

shorts - The under $60 shorts I can’t stop wearing.

w h e r e

Throw a Chic, Safe Summer Party—with Help from an Epidemiologist and an Event Planner

Click here to read more

Posted on June 28, 2020 .