Posts tagged #garden gloves



Over the last month I’ve taken some time to clear out a little piece of our front yard and turn it into something more. Honestly, I can’t even remember what it looked like last Spring/Summer! It’s amazing all the things we notice now that we’re spending 95% of our time at home. The front of our house is landscaped with boxwoods (they were here when we moved in and have done very well year over year) which I love but for this new spot I wanted something a little more “organic” and natural looking. I LOVE lavender but It is pretty hard to grow on the East Coast so I set out to find something similar that would thrive in our location. After a few weeks of pinning, I was able to piece together the look I wanted and started planting! Today I’m sharing the perennials I planted and the tools I’ve been using the most!




salvia - I love salvia. it looks very similar to lavender but is much easier to grow. there are many variations but I used blue marble and april night.

lavender - I have found lavender hard to grow and mine didn’t come back this year so i’m trying it out in a pot instead. stay tuned!

sage - I planted russian sage last year and it came back this season and looks great. i love the smell of it and overall sage is very hearty and easy to grow.

grasses - I used ornamental feather reed and switch grass or panicum.

cone flower (I prefer purple) - this is not deer REPELLENT so you will need to spray it. I purchased an organic one from our local garden center which contains things like garlic, egg whites, and cloves.

my most used garden tools

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