Posts tagged #birthday wishes

The Things I've Learned from my 4 Year Old


t h i s i s f o u r

I started writing this post yesterday but had to stop. I was sobbing looking through pictures and realizing how quickly time had just passed us by. But at the same time it felt like a lifetime ago that Luke was born. How is that? Being a mom is such a magical feeling. It is an exhausting, tireless, and often thankless job people say. I agree with the first two but as I write this I realize how often we are actually thanked by our children. Maybe not in words but in the smiles they give us and the way they look at us. In the last four years Luke has taught me more than I can ever put into words….but I’m going to try:

L I V E in the moment

F I N D joy in the little things

E V E R Y D A Y is a new opportunity to explore

A S K questions


L E A R N how to fall, because then you can learn how to pick yourself back up


Posted on January 2, 2019 and filed under Boy Mom.