Most of us can’t walk into a luxury retailer and drop thousands of dollars on a handbag a few times a year or even once a year. So what does that mean? What are the options? Ten years ago if you couldn’t afford the Chanel handbag you loved you were out of luck. Today, times have seriously changed! The reseller market has exploded and younger generations are sending retailers a new message loud and clear: “We don’t need to buy new anymore”. I recently walked in The Real Real flagship store in Soho, NY and was shocked by the quality of perfectly curated goods. It felt like being in a high-end, multi-brand store, with only one difference, everything once belonged to someone else. I was drawn to a beautiful gray Hermes wallet that when I picked it up I couldn’t help but ask myself, “Why would anyone spend triple the price when this one was virtually new?”. So nowadays you can buy new, buy used, buy vintage, and even borrow luxury goods. My absolute favorite place to sell handbags is Fashionphile. I talked about it more in this post last year, but it is the best. They offer you a “buy it out” price from the start so you know exactly what you’re getting. My second choice after that would be selling it on Tradesy and lastly, sell on The Real Real (if and only if you’re not married to getting a certain dollar amount).
f a s h i o n p h i l e
t h e r e a l r e a l
Were they worth it??
to splurge or not to splurge
OK so no one ever needs a pair for $400 sunglasses, $600 sandals, or a handbag over $1000. But once we get past that fact and you decide that you would like to invest in a few special pieces here is the criteria I start with. Will the item:
A. make you happy for years to come, you LOVE it
B. Be worn in many ways, is a staple
C. is something that hopefully will retain its value
If you’re item meets at least one to two of the three criteria, then its time to talk. C is an interesting one…just because something is expensive, it doesn’t mean you’ll get even close to the amount you paid if you decide to sell it. Not all designers are created equally when it comes to the resale market - Only Chanel, Hermes, and some Cartier pieces can be sold close at their original cost and in some cases more. When I purchased this Chanel wallet on chain purse over 10 years ago it was $1,100. I always store it in the box and its in pristine condition. If I ever wanted to sell it I would be able to for close to $2,000 now.
Celine Catherine sunglasses
Chanel woc
hermes oran sandal
shop the post
I love wearing silk skirts and luckily for me its been a bit of a trend lately which equals more options. I posted this silk skirt look at the beginning of the season and since I did I’ve probably worn it 10 different times and 5 different ways. I first saw this style online but didn’t order because I thought, “How could it be nice at that price?”. Well I was wrong! Walked into H&M last month and was shocked at the quality (and again at the price) and so excited they had my size. If you don’t see your size keep checking back, I find that people return or exchange and you get a second chance! Here is another style that would be pretty with a black or ivory sweater. I also love this snake style or this burnt orange one paired back to a brown sweater.