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Skin cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in the US. This is unfortunately a reality that hits close to home for me. Skin cancer runs in my family. My mom grew up in Belgium and France and recalls summer after summer lathering her skin in oils and laying out with zero protection. From an early age it has always been something that she ingrained in my sister and I - wear sunscreen! But why is it a topic only discussed in the summer? What about the rest of the year? About two months ago I found something that looked suspect on my back and realized I hadn’t gone for my annual skin check in years. I was so mad at myself! I immediately reached out to Dr. Sarah Dolder, a dermatologist with a practice in both Greenwich, CT and Manhattan, for help. Dr. Dolder was born and raised in Australia which basically makes her a sun expert! We originally met at an event through a mutual friend and I instantly loved her! Her calm and reassuring demeanor is exactly what I look for in a doctor.

Fast forward two weeks to my appointment. Dr. Dolder checked my entire body, including my scalp, for anything suspicious. It was fast and painless. Getting an annual check is a crucial part of skin cancer detection. Additionally, checking yourself throughout the year is equally as important. Below you’ll find the ABC’s that Dr. Dolder outlined for me. For most this is nothing new but if you’re like me, you probably could use a refresher. I’ve never discussed a topic like this on my blog before but its something I feel very strongly about and wanted to share.


Coffee break with Dr. Sarah Dolder

Coffee break with Dr. Sarah Dolder

your monthly skin check

the abc’s

a - asymmetry

b - border

c - color

d - diameter

e - evolving lesion

The best way to detect skin cancer early is to be aware of any changes in your skin, abnormalities, or growths. Dr. Dolder advises that you do not check daily because you won’t be able to notice when there is a difference. Instead, check yourself monthly and have a friend or family member check hard to see places like your back.

the essentials

In Dr. Dolder’s office waiting for my skin check

In Dr. Dolder’s office waiting for my skin check


I am not a doctor and this article is based on my own research and opinions. If you need medical advice please contact your physician

Posted on January 10, 2019 and filed under Wellness.